Two Trees in Memory of Hametzayer 1973, 56.5X70, Lithograph on brown paper Tel Aviv Museum of Art
"The lithograph Two Trees in Memory of the Metzayer (1972) was printed in nine colors on coarse domestic paper. The Metzayer's personality (Hebrew acronym of "Mordechai Zvi, native of Radoshkavich"), a 19th-century poet from Vilnius who wrote Hebrew articles on the philosophy of painting, preoccupied and inspired Aroch. In this print, the Arochian elements--the motif (the profile), the form in space (the two trees), the line and the color--reach a highly refined balance." (Yona Fischer, Catalogue: "Itineraries and Forms")
Two Trees in Memory of Hametzayer 1973, 56.5X70, Lithograph on brown paper Tel Aviv Museum of Art