Agrippas Street 1964, 53.5X116, Oil, oil crayon, scribble and street sign on wooden panel Tel Aviv Museum of Art
This form that I shall call "abstract-concrete" can be made up of two equal elements – one graphic and one literary. The form has no connection with a man's nose or a car wheel. But the form of the nose and the form of the wheel may appear as part of the general graphic solution. I have no doubt that if the whole shape influences, then those shapes also affect, on their own. They are the components of the Shape. Part of the overall picture is a nose and part of it is a wheel. In the general context they do not exist for themselves, but still we recognize them as a nose and a wheel. Similarly, the street sign: As far as I'm concerned, it is absolutely abstract.
Agrippas Street 1964, 53.5X116, Oil, oil crayon, scribble and street sign on wooden panel Tel Aviv Museum of Art